The Evolution of Coworking in Asia
The Evolution of Coworking in Asia
Article by Officing Today
JULY 2016
"Although co-working is a relatively new trend it’s already evolving. As larger corporations get in on the game, co-working is adapting and changing to suit different needs."
In the beginning co-working spaces were about young, entrepreneurial companies needing space. They were about accommodating really lean businesses while also creating a sense of community. A few people with a great idea but no funds to set up big infrastructure could use a co-working space to get that idea off the ground.
As Angela Ferguson, MD of workplace design firm Futurespace, puts it: “Co-working was about getting people to network and share ideas, creating a community around work and what that meant. What we’ve seen now is that they’ve become so much more than that, the concept has evolved very rapidly.”
Ferguson identifies three main evolutions of co-working.
To read the full article, click here.